The project or blog you were looking for is possibly pre-launch, dormant, or dead.
There is no definite timetable for restoration if there is to be one, keeping in mind that most of these sites were rotted of content and functionality in the first place before finally being removed or skipped in some server migration. But, I "for real actually do" reactivate projects on sheer whim, sometimes as pure code base re-writes. It's worthwhile for you to keep the link you got here by handy and try from time to time. This is especially true for links and domains that land here that might best be categorized as "under development" and in a state of "pre-launch."
One way to keep an eye on what I'm thinking is to monitor my "Projects" category here at this blog. If I'm going to bring anything back to life or take anything down, I'll blog about it.
Projects and Blogs You Might be Looking For