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Stop Google Sign-In


How the heck do you actually stop this prompt from coming up on every website that you land on?  

Google Login Prompt

In another example of why something needs to be done about Google and the cabal of big tech in general, the setting to turn this off seems to have gone deeper and deeper into Google Chrome over time.

A search on how to do this turns up information that seems to pertaint to older versions of Chrome or otherwise leads to dead ends and bad advice.  No doubt the dodging takes advantage of the ambiguity that arises from searching using keywords that might pertain to all manner and mean of "signing in" activity types.

Screenshot of Google Results that lead nowhere.

It turns out that the concept is known to Google as something called a "Federated Identity" prompt and, sure, if you Google that precise phraseology, you're gold.  But who the F would figure that?

They obviously don't want people finding something that people will clearly find annoying and clearly try to turn off.

Here's How to Do It

It's January 2025 and now you can do the following to stop these on the Chrome for Windows desktop (if you prefer, you can watch my YouTube post of this process instead):

  1. Open Chrome Settings
    1. Click those three dots at upper right in Chrome
    2. Click "Settings" lower down the menu tongue
  2. Click "Privacy and Security"
  3. Click "Site Settings"
    1. This is a Google trick.  I suspect that by placing the setting under this title, they aim to discourage people from finding it because you want these notifications to not appear on any site, not just "the" site that "Site Setting" implies.  Rest assured though that as of this writing at least, that the change you make here will actually apply to all sites.
  4. Scroll down and find and click "Third Party Sign In"
  5. Click "Block sign-in prompts from identity services"

Screenshot of where exactly to make the setting change in Chrome.

Click image for larger version.

The settings go into effect the moment you make the selection so there's no "Save" button or anything to process.  You've done it.

A faster way to reach the pertinent settings area for those of you comfortable with directly working with the URL bar is to enter the following there:

  • chrome://settings/content/

All this advice applies to Chrome on the Windows desktop (so, assuming you're using a laptop or desktop PC).  It will probably apply to Chrome on any platform, but probably not Android -- where I am not sure the issue is even a problem. 

  By Dave for Personal Blog.


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