Battle Blog 3.0 is -- working --, my blog is up, and, I'm here.
This blog is the live development model which I am dog-fooding to completion. That means parts of it don't work or don't work fully and that all the fancy bells and whistles of my previous blogs (beyond the basic functionality) are way down the priority list. The fixes and those prized features that defined the original Battle Blog will all gradually come back online over the months and years. If the detail matters, I've deemed this new responsive-design (ugh) iteration Battle Blog 3.0.
Normally I cringe at incomplete projects on the web -- I'd obsess over a broken link or two while being operated on by doctors if I were cognizant of the fact at the time. But this code re-write from scratch is too big even for me to expect that I can smooth out a launch in just a few weekends. The original Battle Blog took me over 8 years.
This is the only way to do it.
But let's be more frank, I can afford the time because everyone knows nobody visits blogs as a point of leisure anymore, least of all mine. You the reader I imagine, isn't even here. I can afford to walk this re-do and nobody is going to notice.
 By Dave for Personal Blog.
announcement projects personal
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