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Six Minutes to OUCH


This guy pulled up alongside me at one point in traffic while I was driving home from work.  

Six minutes later down the road, he's nursing a bad hit on his noggin'!

People sometimes see things like this and with a prejudice against reckless motorcyclists think "Aha!, he got what he deserved!".  

But in this case, this dude was completely lawful for as long as I could see him and, although it was a bit of a minimalist shortie, there was a helmet.  Maybe he wishes it covered a little more now, I dunno.  

It appears that he bumped into, or got side-swiped by, another vehicle.  The crash happened while he was well ahead of me so my dashcam didn't catch the actual event.

He was writhing in pain with his arms and hands wrapped around his own head while the people on the sidewalk around him provided immediate comfort as best they could.  But, I think he was largely okay or at least hope so.  I heard the medic call go out on the scanner about a minute later so help was on the way.

  By Dave for Personal Blog.

accident video wtf

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