Dave The Web Guy

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Meta Makes Good on Promise to Join the Fediverse


In an encouraging sign to me that the expectations of continuing a centralized web are beginning to implode, Meta announced that @Threads now integrates with the fediverse.  Post via @Threads as your preferred platform now, and you will now be discoverable by people using other platforms.  And better, if you leave @Threads because, say for example, one loose cannon takes it over one day and the service becomes unstable, you can take your posts with you.

This is a pretty ironic - and some argue, suspicious - move by Meta which is as company that is happy with the world believing that "Facebook is the internet" and thus antithetical to an "open web" - but there's really no outcome that I can think of today that isn't bullet proof against Meta attempting to exploit itself as the biggest port to the fediverse and somehow wind up "owning it".  

For me, Meta is doing this because it realizes that the open web and its advocates aren't letting up and the future of digital traffic is decentralized.  Or, put another way, going back to the way things were albeit perhaps more polished than the 90s web was.  Sort of like Microsoft had to concede that Android was the best way to continue being relevant on the smartphone and now does all kinds of Android stuff with its Microsoft legacy wares.

In my video above I stress test what should be a simple thing to do, and, well, wound up being just that:  Subscribing to an @Threads user (me) via Mastodon, the flagship port for the fediverse.


  By Dave for Personal Blog.

demonstration fediverse threads

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