Dave The Web Guy

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My admiration for goats is something that has profoundly fascinated as well disturbed me for quite some time.

I mean, why goats?

They are beautiful animals where, in astrology for example, they are cast as ambitious rock and mountain climbers with a need to progress through turbulence and challenge.  To feel the rocks and the conquering of the mountain beneath their hooves.

My Moon is in Capricorn, so perhaps that explains my affinity.

Or perhaps, I just wanted a blog category called "goats" and thus made up this completely nonensical reasoning in which to do so.  If I did, I do not mean to cast aside the miracle of the graceful climbers for my own selfish gains.  But rather, I hope that in my choice of a mammal in which to fodder with, I honor the goat, while serving my own purposes.

  By Dave for Personal Blog.


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